차기 이동통신 시장을 향한 3GPP LTE 업계의 최근동향

On Recent Industry Activities for 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) toward the Next Generation Mobile Communication Markets

  • 김민구 (삼성전자 정보통신총괄 통신연구소)
  • Kim, Min-Goo (Telecommunication R&D Center Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.18


With the continued evolution of third-generation cellular systems and the introduction of 3GP P LTE, there is considerable progress for the new mobile wireless markets. Recently, 3GPP LTE standards are accelerated by mobile operators supporting LTE deployment and special working groups such as LSTI are working for LTE IOT and trials. In this paper, we introduce the current status of LTE activities in the mobile communications industry.
