Atmospheric Clearness Index Analysis of Major Cities in Korea Peninsula Using Solar Radiation Measurement

태양에너지 측정에 의한 한반도 주요 도시의 대기청명도 분석

  • Published : 2008.10.16


The amount of incident solar rays on inclined surfaces with various directions has Since the atmospheric clearness index is main factor for evaluating atmosphere environment, it is necessary to estimate its characteristics all over the major cities in Korea Peninsula. We have begun collecting clearness index data since 1982 at 16 different cities in South Korea and estimated using empirical forecasting models at 12 different stations over the North Korea from 1982 to 2006. This considerable effort has been made for constructing a standard value from measured data at each city. The new clearness data for global-dimming analysis will be extensively used by evaluating atmospheric environment as well as by solar application system designer or users.
