취부용 피스(piece)제거 및 사상 작업 자동화장비 개발에 관한 연구

A Study on a Development of the Grinding Robot to Remove Welding-bid of Working Pieces

  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


This paper presents the application of a robot which aims at grinding automatically welding-bead remained in the removal job of working pieces for shipbuilding. In specific, the investigation on this application is composed of two parts; one topic is on the development of a robot platform vertically movable on a steel plate of hull, while the other topic is of the development of a grinding tool mechanism in order to remove welding-beads by using a diamond wheel installed on a servo cylinder (which can result in high working pressure on the grinding wheel). Besides, the development of a vision system for tracking welding-beads as well as recognizing welding surfaces is added for the convenience of this robot application to the removal of welding-beads remained in the working pieces for shipbuilding.
