• Published : 2008.10.29


The Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) is under development to provide a monitoring of ocean-color around the Korean Peninsula from geostationary platforms. It is planned to be loaded on Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) of Korea. The GOCI has been designed to provide multi-spectral data to detect, monitor, quantify, and predict short term changes of coastal ocean environment for marine science research and application purpose. The target area of GOCI observation covers sea area around the Korean Peninsula. Based on the nonlinear radiometric model, the GOCI calibration method has been derived. The radiometric model of GOCI has been validated through radiometric ground test. From this ground test result, GOCI radiometric model has been changed from second order to third order. In this paper, the radiometric test performed to evaluate the radiometric nonlinearity is described and the GOCI radiometric error propagation is analyzed. The GOCI radiometric calibration is based on onboard calibration devices; solar diffuser, DAMD (Diffuser Aging Monitoring Device). The radiometric model error due to the dark current nonlinearity is considered as a systematic error. Also the offset correction error due to gain/offset instability is considered. The radiometric accuracy depends mainly on the ground characterization accuracies of solar diffuser and DAMD.
