Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference (한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2008.05a
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- Pages.141-145
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- 2008
Estimation of Non Working Day Corresponding to Statistical Data of Korea Meteorological Administration - Focused on Cheonju -
기상청 통계자료기반 기후요소에 의한 작업불능일 산정 - 청주지역을 중심으로 -
- Baek, Dae-Hyun ;
- Joung, Woung-Sun ;
- Park, In-Beom ;
- Song, Seung-Heon ;
- Baek, Byung-Hoon ;
Han, Min-Cheol
- 백대현 (청주대학교) ;
- 정웅선 (공주대학교) ;
- 박인범 ((주)선엔지니어링종합건축사사무소 감리본부) ;
- 송승헌 (삼성물산(주) 건설부문) ;
- 백병훈 ((주)포스코건설 송도사업본부) ;
(청주대학교 건축공학부)
- Published : 2008.05.09
In this paper, non working day for the construction project in Cheongju region considering weather condition for 30 years from 1971 to 2000 and 10 years from 1991 to 2000 as statistical periods was estimated. In Cheongju region, there was no remarkable difference between them because non working day for outside and half outside work was 157days and for interior work 144days at statistics for 30 years., and utside and half outside work was 159days and for interior work 142days at statistics for 10 years.. However, non working day due to high temperature is slightly increased, and non working day due to cold weather is slightly decreased in the case that the recent statistical data was used caused by global warming. Non working day due to rainfall was 23 days at statistics for 30 years, and it was 28 days at statistics for 10 years.