퍼지 로직을 이용한 문화 패러다임 기반의 로봇 성격 개발

Development of a Robot Personality based on Cultural Paradigm using Fuzzy Logic


Robotics has emerged as an important field for the future. It is our vision that robots in future will be able to transcend these precincts and work side by side humans for the greater good of mankind. We developed a face robot for this purpose. However, Life like robots demands a certain level of intelligence. Some scientists have proposed an event based learning approach, in which the robot can be taken as a small child and through learning from surrounding entities develops its own personality. In fact some scientists have proposed an entire new personality of the robot itself in which robot can have its own internal states, intentions, beliefs, desires and feelings. Our approach should not only be to develop a robot personality model but also to understand human behavior and incorporate it into the robot model. Human's personality is very complex and rests on many factors like its physical surrounding, its social surrounding, and internal states and beliefs etc. This paper discusses the development of this platform to evaluate this and develop a standard by a society based approach including the cultural paradigm. For this purpose the fuzzy control theory is used. Since the fuzzy theory is very near human analytical thinking it provides a very good platform to develop such a model.
