The Characteristic of Reward in Computer Assisted Learning

  • 발행 : 2008.02.13


Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) is quite different from in many aspects. CAL provides individualistic learning environment and facilitates autonomy of the learner. Thus the learners who uses CAL program has more sense of control and engages in more strategic learning than conventional learning environment. In this experiment, we used KORI (KORea university intelligent agent) which is a new type of ITS adopting TA (Teachable Agent) that fosters learning by teaching, So, we investigated the critical motivational factor that have influences in CAL learning and the effects of reward in CAL are another area of our interest. Thus, we divided two conditions that presence of reward and absence of reward. The 174 elementary school students(5th) were participated and they are randomly assigned the one of the reward conditions. Before entering the experimental instruction, all participants measured about metacognition, self-efficacy and goal orientation questionnaire as independent variables. Then, Participants were instructed of method of using KORI program and asked to study for ten days with KORI program at least 20 minutes everyday in their home, about 10 days. After 10 days, they were rated interest and comprehension. Regression results suggest that regardless of the presence of reward, metacognition is a positive predictor in interestingness. It indicate that metacognitive skills are required in CAL learning situation irrespective of reward. But on comprehension in the absence of reward, only self- efficacy appeared to be a positive predictor. In the presence of reward, performance goal orientation showed as a negative predictor of comprehension, whereas self-efficacy was a positive predictor. This result suggest that presence of reward especially interferes learning process of performance goal orientation in CAL learning situation. It could be interpreted that reward interferes the learning process of performance goal orientation by debilitating intrinsic motivation.
