Bayesian Logistic Regression for Human Detection

Human Detection 을 위한 Bayesian Logistic Regression

  • ;
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  • 이칠우 (전남대학교 전자컴퓨터공학과)
  • Published : 2008.02.13


The possibility to extent the solution in human detection problem for plug-in on vision-based Human Computer Interaction domain is very attractive, since the successful of the machine leaning theory and computer vision marriage. Bayesian logistic regression is a powerful classifier performing sparseness and high accuracy. The difficulties of finding people in an image will be conquered by implementing this Bavesian model as classifier. The comparison with other massive classifier e.g. SVM and RVM will introduce acceptance of this method for human detection problem. Our experimental results show the good performance of Bavesian logistic regression in human detection problem, both in trade-off curves (ROC, DET) and real-implementation compare to SVM and RVM.
