Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference (한국산업정보학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2008.10b
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- Pages.445-448
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- 2008
Quorum based Peer to Peer Key Sharing Protocol over Wireless Sensor Networks
- Yang, Soong-Yeal (School of Computer Engineering, Kyungil University) ;
- Won, Nam-Sik (School of Computer Engineering, Kyungil University) ;
Kim, Hyun-Sung
(School of Computer Engineering, Kyungil University) ;
- Lee, Sung-Woon (Dept. of Information Security, Tongmyong University)
- Published : 2008.10.31
The key establishment between nodes is one of the most important issues to secure the communication in wireless sensor networks. Some researcher used the probabilistic key sharing scheme with a pre-shared key pool to reduce the number of keys and the key disclosure possibility. However, there is a potential possibility that some nodes do not have a common share in the key pool. The purpose of this paper is to devise a peer to peer key sharing protocol (PPKP) based on Quorum system and Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme (DHS). The PPKP establishes a session key by creating a shared key using the DHS and then scrambles it based on Quorum system to secure that. The protocol reduces the number of necessary keys than the previous schemes and could solve the non-common key sharing possibility problem in the probabilistic schemes.