한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference)
- 한국해양정보통신학회 2008년도 추계종합학술대회 B
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- Pages.274-277
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- 2008
802.11 무선패킷 전송을 위한 새로운 Rekeying 스킴
A New Rekeying Scheme for 802.11 Wireless Packets Transmission
- 팽상우 (동서대학교 유비쿼터스IT학과) ;
- 태유슈 (동서대학교 유비쿼터스IT학과) ;
- 치시안양 (동서대학교 유비쿼터스IT학과) ;
(동서대학교 유비쿼터스IT학과) ;
(동서대학교 유비쿼터스IT학과)
- Phang, Seong-Yee (Department of Ubiquitous and IT Graduate School of Desing and IT, Dongseo University) ;
- They, Yu-Shu (Department of Ubiquitous and IT Graduate School of Desing and IT, Dongseo University) ;
- Yang, Chi-Shian (Department of Ubiquitous and IT Graduate School of Desing and IT, Dongseo University) ;
Lee, Hoon-Jae
(Department of Ubiquitous and IT Graduate School of Desing and IT, Dongseo University) ;
Lim, Hyo-Taek
(Department of Ubiquitous and IT Graduate School of Desing and IT, Dongseo University)
- 발행 : 2008.10.31
Rekeying is the process of changing the encryption key of an ongoing communication. The main objective is to limit the amount of data encrypted with the same key. The IEEE 802.11 standard defines the Wired Equivalent Privacy, or WEP, encapsulation of 802.11 data frames. MAC at sender encrypts the payload (frame body and CRC) of each 802.11 frame before transmission using RC4 stream cipher. MAC at receiver decrypts and passes data to higher level protocol. WEP uses symmetric key stream cipher (RC4) where same key will be used for data encryption and decryption at the sender and the receiver. WEP is not promising with the advancement of the wireless technology existing today. We propose to use the existing information to define the security attributes. This will eliminate the steps that regenerated keys have to be sent to each other over certain period. The rekeying scheme is according to the number of bytes transmitted. Therefore, even the attacker has recorded the packets, it will be insufficient information and time for the attacker to launch the attacks as the key is not deterministic. We develop a packet simulation software for packet transmission and simulate our propose scheme. From the simulation, our propose scheme will overcome the weak WEP key attack and provide an alternative solution to wireless packet transmission. Besides that, our solution appears to be a software approach where only driver updates are needed for the wireless client and server.