Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2008.11a
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- Pages.191-193
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- 2008
Development of a Compact Iron-Cored Electronic Current Transformer Based on IEC 61850
IEC61850 기반 콤팩트형 철심 코어형 전자석 변류기 개발
- Kang, Y.C. ;
- Kim, Y.H. ;
- Choi, J.H. ;
- Park, J.M. ;
- Jang, S.I. ;
- Kim, Y.K. ;
- An, Y.H. ;
- Song, I.J.
- 강용철 (전북대학교) ;
- 김연희 (한국IED) ;
- 최정환 (한국IED) ;
- 박종민 (한국IED) ;
- 장성일 (전북대학교) ;
- 김용균 (한국IED) ;
- 안용호 (한전 전력연구원) ;
- 송인준
- Published : 2008.11.07
This paper describes a compact Iron-cored Electronic Current Transformer(ECT) based on IEC 61850. The ECT developed in this study has the feature of designing the current transformer with a compact iron-core, compensating error due to the nonlinear characteristic of Iron-core, and applying IEC 61850 9-2 for sampled value(SMV). We verify the performance of the innovative product developed in the study in KERI and test the performance of digital communication in the lab.