Small Molecules Targeting for ESX-Sur2 Proteins' Interaction

  • Kwon, Young-Joo (College of Pharmacy & Division of Life & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.18


It's been known that overexpression of the oncoprotein Her2 (eu/ErbB2), transmembrane receptor protein, occurs in human breast cancer. Her2-positive breast cancer patients who have Her2 overexpression show less therapeutic efficacy with enhanced metathesis and increased resistance to chemotherapy. So far, a humanized monoclonal antibody against Her2 protein called Herceptin is the only drug approved by Food and Drug Administration for treatment of Her2-overexpressing breast tumors. However, antibody therapy of Herceptin may not be ideal method for therapeutic intervention of Her2 protein expression. The therapeutic intervention of Her2 protein expression may be more efficiently achieved by inhibiting the expression of Her2 gene rather than by down-regulating the Her2 protein already overexpressed. Here, we found that the interaction of two proteins of ESX (an epithelial-restricted transcription factor) and DRIP130/CRSP130/Sur2 (a Ras-linked subunit of human mediator complexes) mediates the expression of Her2 gene. The association of ESX with Sur2 is mediated by a small hydrophobic face of 8-amino acid helix in ESX, suggesting that the ESX-Sur2 interaction can be a new novel target for Her2-positive cancer. The process to develop potent ESX-Sur2 interaction inhibitors targeting for Her2-positive cancer therapeutics will be discussed.
