series"> Lineup of Microwave Discharge Ion Engines $"\mu"$ series

  • 발행 : 2008.03.30


Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(ISAS/JAXA) successfully developed and operated the microwave discharge ion engines onboard Hayabusa asteroid explorer. The ${\mu}10$ ion engines feature the cathode-less plasma generation in both the ion generators and neutralizers with the results of long life and high reliability in space. Based on the space achievements of ${\mu}10$ ion engines with 8mN thrust, 3,000sec Isp and 350W consumption power, several programs are currently under developments: ${\mu}20$, ${\mu}10$HIsp and ${\mu}1$. The first is a 20-cm diameter microwave discharge ion engine, aiming to achieve 30mN/kW in the thrustto-power ratio for the asteroid sample return mission larger than Hayabusa. The second is a high Isp version of ${\mu}10$, and exhausts the plasma beam over 10,000sec Isp using 15kV acceleration voltage for deep space missions to such as Jupiter and Mercury. The third is ${\mu}1$ to be adapted to small satellites for drag-free.
