모델 변천에 따른 가스터빈 연소기 라이너의 부위별 손상유형 분석

Analysis of Damage Patterns for Gas Turbine Combustion Liner according to Model Change

  • 발행 : 2008.11.05


High-temperature components of gas turbine operated for certain period of time can be reused by being repaired or rejuvenated. In case of the gas turbine combustion liners, the biggest and the most important one in the high-temperature components, come in a repair shop after operated for 8,000 or 12,000 hours according to the model and go through the repair and rejuvenation in order to be reused. A stated combustion liner is the first channel which has the combustion gas reached a nozzle from a fuel nozzle. Materials and coating properties of old and new model combustion liners were investigated. To repair these components after the visual inspection, the coatings of combustion liners were removed and then FPI(Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection), a kind of the NDI(Non-Destructive Inspection), was conducted. Damage patterns and the number of the damaged components were classified and analyzed based on data provided from the visual inspection over a long period of time. Focusing on the difference between old model and new model combustion liners, we analyzed the damage distribution and changes and consequently concluded that new model combustion liner would increase repair rate.
