Proceedings of the KSME Conference (대한기계학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2008.11a
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- Pages.1-6
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- 2008
A Berkovich Indentation Technique Based on 3D FEA solutions for Material Property Evaluation
3차원 유한요소해에 기초한 Berkovich 압입 물성평가법
- Published : 2008.11.05
Due to the self-similarity of Berkovich and conical indenters, different materials may show the same loaddepth curve for single indentation. In this study, we first compare the load-depth characteristics of conical and Berkovich indenters via finite element method. We also analyze the variation of load-depth curves with angle of Berkovich indenter, indentation parameters, and material properties. With numerical regressions of obtained data, we then propose dual-Berkovich indentation formulae for material property evaluation. The proposed approach provides the values of elastic modulus, yield strength and strain-hardening exponent and corresponding stress-strain curve with an average error of less than 3%. The method is valid for any elastic indenters made of tungsten carbide and diamond for instance.
- Self-similarity;
- Dual-Berkovich indentation test;
- Finite element analysis;
- Material property evaluation
- 자기유사성;
- 이중 버코비치 압입 시험;
- 유한요소해석;
- 물성평가;