강관주 철탑기초의 수평거동에 관한 실험적 연구

Experimental Study on the Laterally Loaded Behavior of Single Pole Foundation

  • 발행 : 2008.03.28


The drilled pier foundation is widely used to support transmission line structures due to its simplicity of construction. When this foundation type is used in conjunction with a single shaft or H-frame structure, it is subjected to a high overturning moment, combined with modest vertical and shear loads. Since the length and diameter of drilled piers are often governed by a maximum permissible deflection, many drilled piers being installed today are very conservatively designed. In this study, Five prototype field-tests (1/8 scale) have been conducted in order to determine the lateral resistance of drilled pier foundation for single pole structures. These test results reveal the test piers behaved essentially as rigid bodies in soil (6D) and the center of rotation of the pier were typically 0.6~0.4 of the pier depth below ground surface. Test results also show the relationship between the applied load and the deflection at the top of the pier is highly nonlinear.
