Nature Death Act -Taiwan Experience-

  • Lai, Enoch Y.L. (Taiwan Hospice Organization)
  • Published : 2008.07.05


Hospice movement in Taiwan emerged early in 1983. There was a nurse visiting terminal cancer patients by herself in Taipei city. It was ceased after one year. This stage of hospice movement might be called as "compassionate era". In early 1990, the first in-patient hospice ward was set up in north Taiwan. She demonstrated high touch in the high technology medical atmosphere. There was a great echo in Taiwan society to this action. In the following years, quite a few new hospice settings were founded. Medical professionals were aroused again to talk and think about life and death, dignity of dying and holistic care. This stage of hospice movement might be called as "ethical stage". Around 2000, obstructions were discovered in our development. We do need system and rules. Standard of setting and care, Curriculum of education and training, Accreditation system and specialist system and Nature Death Act are some of the systems we approached. This stage of hospice movement might be called as "Act stage". Among the "Act stage", the Nature Death Act is actually the mile stone in our history. What listed below are the translated one for the reference:
