빌딩용 신.재생에너지시스템 제어를 위한 LonWorks기반 원격 제어모듈 개발

Web based control modules Using LonWorks/Ethernet Server for Control a large Scale Renewable Energy System in Building

  • 발행 : 2008.07.16


This paper proposes a new Web based-control concept & design method and implementation of LonWorks network system for a large scale renewable energy energy control and monitoring system in building. The Experimental LonWorks network system using LonWorks/Ethernet(Web) server is designed and fabricated. This article addresses issues in architecture of LonWorks/Ethernet sever, embedded processors architecture for converting LonTalks protocol to Modbus protocol and software, and Internet technologies. It is also verified that the multi-induction motor control and monitoring system using LonWorks/Ethernet server have available, interoperable, reliable performance characteristics from the experimental results, Especially, The seamless integration of TCP/IP networks with control networks allows access to any control point from anywhere. Thus, the results provide a available technical data for remote distributed control system of industrial and buildings field.
