A study on the practical nae of diethyl ether's cool fame and explosion characteristics
디에틸에테르의 냉염 및 폭발특성 이용에 관한 연구
- Kim, Soo-Young (Industrial Safety Engineering Research Center of Hoseo University) ;
- Oh, Kyu-Hyung (Fire & Disaster Protection Engineering of Hoseo University) ;
- Kim, Eung-Sik (Safety System Engineering of Hoseo University) ;
- Choi, Beom-Sik (Industrial Safety Engineering Research Center of Hoseo University) ;
- Lee, Chang-Woo (Institute of Gas Safety R&D, Korea Gas Safety Corporation) ;
- Lee, Sung-Eun (Fire & Disaster Protection Engineering of Hoseo University) ;
- Moon, Young-Kil (Industrial Safety Engineering Research Center of Hoseo University)
- 김수영 (호서대학교 산업안전기술연구센타) ;
- 오규형 (호서대학교 소방방재공학과) ;
- 김응식 (호서대학교 안전시스템공학과) ;
- 최범식 (호서대학교 산업안전기술연구센타) ;
- 이창우 (가스안전공사 연구원) ;
- 이성은 (호서대학교 소방방재공학과) ;
- 문영길 (호서대학교 산업안전기술연구센타)
- Published : 2007.04.11