한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference)
- 한국추진공학회 2007년도 제29회 추계학술대회논문집
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- Pages.131-134
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- 2007
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- 1975-342X(pISSN)
고압환경에서 동축 스월 분사기 분무 특성에 대한 수치적 해석
Numerical Analysis for Characteristics of Coaxial Swirl Injector in High-Pressure Environment
- 발행 : 2007.11.22
본 연구에서는 상압환경에 적용되었던 액막 분열 모델을 고압환경에 적용하였다. 실험에서 주위압이 고압으로 진행할수록 액막의 분열길이는 짧아지는데 개발된 액막 분열 모델은 이러한 경향을 잘 예측하는 것으로 나타났으며 분무 형상도 정성적으로 실험결과와 일치하는 것으로 나타났다.
This numerical analysis was performed in order to validate adoption of the sheet breakup model in high-pressure environment, which were used for prediction of spray characteristics in atmosphere environment. In experiments the higher environment pressure the shorter breakup length; the results of new sheet breakup model predicted the breakup length in good agreement with experimental results qualitatively and quantitatively. Also the shape of spray calculated by numerical analysis were agreed well with experiments quantitatively.