An Approach to Credibility Enhancement of Automated Collaborative Filtering System through Accommodating User's Rating Behavior

  • Sung, Jang-Hwan (Graduate Program in Technology Management, Economics and Policy, Seoul National University) ;
  • Park, Jong-Hun (Department of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 2007.06.01


The purpose of this paper is to strengthen trust on the automated collaborative filtering system. Automated collaborative filtering system is quickly becoming a popular technique for recommendation system. This elaborative methodology contributes for reducing information overload and the result becomes index of users' preference. In addition, it can be applied to various industries in various fields. After it collaborative filtering system was developed, many researches are executed to enhance credibility and to apply in various fields. Among these diverse systems, collaborative filtering system which uses Pearson correlation coefficient is most common in many researches. In this paper, we proposed new process diagram of collaborative filtering algorithm and new factors which should improve the credibility of system. In addition, the effects and relationships are also tested.
