정보 시스템 최종 사용자의 피드백 탐색 행위와 합목적적 정보 시스템 활용;중소기업을 대상으로 한 실증적 연구

  • Published : 2007.06.01


The number of SMEs taking up information systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning has been growing rapidly, and many of those organizations have stepped into the stage of ongoing use at this point. Thus, research which takes into account idiosyncratic nature of SME environment is more important than before. Through an empirical study using survey method, we tried to examine the importance of end user's feedback seeking behavior in SMEs and how environmental factors affecting such behavior reinforce and interact with the feedback seeking behavior itself. The result shows that end user's active role as a voluntary feedback seeker is important in utilizing information systems in accordance with the initial design intention in ongoing use environment. Furthermore, in order to facilitate such feedback seeking behavior in SME environment, it is essential that management's involvement and communicating to its employees the importance of effectively utilizing the information systems as well as the support of peer IT champ.
