Analyzing Technological Capability of the Korean Construction Industry;Comparison with Cases in U.S., U.K., Japan and Korea

  • 발행 : 2007.11.09


As the world construction market is rearranged by the level of technological capability, recently the technological capability in construction industry is developing rapidly. The important of measuring and analyzing technological capability in construction industry is gaining more and more emphasis. It enables to grasp the past and present situation of construction industry as well as to foresee changes in the future. However the concept of technological capability cannot be identified easily, as well as it is hard to compare that capability of construction industry among different countries. Although there have been numerous studies conducted on the technological capability of construction industry, most of the studies were in formsof surveys of specialists or industry professionals which lacked objectivity and sound basis for data. This study will be focused on investigating the methodology in exploiting and measuring surface of the earth and developing indicator and process to understand technological capability in construction industry through quantitative and statistical analysis. Then it will verify them through a case study.
