Flow Visualization in a new CSC micromixer
새로운 CSC micromixer 를 이용한 유동가시화
- Singh, Kanika (School of Mechanical Engg, Pusan National University) ;
- Kim, Hyun-Hoon (School of Mechanical Engg, Pusan National University) ;
- Min, Young-Uk (School of Mechanical Engg, Pusan National University) ;
- Kim, Hyung-Dong (School of Mechanical Engg, Pusan National University) ;
Kim, Kyung-Chun
(School of Mechanical Engg, Pusan National University)
- Published : 2007.11.30
The paper reports on a new type of combinatorial chaotic and serpentine micromixer. Such a new and novel micromixer is simple to fabricate and easy to use. The micromixer is characterized and visualized with the help of the Micro-LIF technique. The new micromixer will e further applied to lab-on-chip device. The mixing capabilities of this mixer is about 30-33%.