정보통신용 다병렬 운전의 모듈식 무정전전원장치

Module UPS of multi-parallel operation for use in information & telecommunication systems

  • 발행 : 2007.08.24


The reliability as well as the power capability of the UPS system can be increased by replacing a single UPS unit with multiple small UPS units in parallel, resulting in a so-called module UPS. This module UPS system allows that a new module can be added or replaced while maintaining power to loads, which is a hot-swappable operation. In addition, it has desirable features such as ease of output power expandability, convenience of maintenance and repair, and high reliability. To realize the module UPS, load sharing without interconnection among parallel connecting modules as well as a small scale and lightweight topology is necessary. The frequency and voltage droop method is applied to parallel operation control to achieve load sharing. 5kVA modules are designed and implemented to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Experimental results show that the module UPS system has a high power factor, a low distortion of output voltage and input current, hot-swappable operations and good load sharing characteristics.
