Contact 요소를 이용한 신.구 콘크리트의 비선형 해석

Nonlinear Analysis with contact element between old and new concrete

  • 발행 : 2007.05.17


In the case of a rail road bridge extension work, especially single track to double track, the foundation of new substructure which supports the extended part of superstructure could be interfered by the exist foundation of an old bridge. When these two foundations are jointed to prevent such fatal effects of the structure as unequal subsidence of soil foundations, it is important to prove the structural behaviour of the joining surfaces between new foundation and old foundation. 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis Method have been studied for the solutions of the structural behaviour of the foundations. In this analysis, 'Contact Element' which allows the sliding of each adjoining member is used for the joint of the boundary surface of the old and new pier foundations. Furthermore, Material Nonlinear Behaviour Analysis also supports the accuracy of the result in this study because the foundations consist of concrete main bodies and reinforced steel bars. These detailed analyses secure the verification of the structural safety of the foundations in the extension work more firmly.
