하이브리드 필름을 이용한 비틀린 네마틱 액정 모드의 필름보상 연구

Film Compensation of Twisted Nematic LC mode using Hybrid Film

  • 발행 : 2007.06.21


We have studied improvement of light leakage of twisted nematic liquid crystal display (TN-LCD) in dark state using the hybrid aligned compensation film made of rod-like LC. When the voltage is applied properly to the TN-LCD, the director tilts up but LC director on the substrate don't tilts up due to surface anchoring energy of the LC cell. Accordingly, LC director from surface to middle LC of TN -LCD become hybrid state such as hybrid aligned film. Consequently, in this paper we achieve wide viewing angle performances of TN mode using developed hybrid aligned film which especially decreases light leakage at vertical direction in dark state.
