중국 위성요격실험의 의의와 영향에 따른 우주자산 보호방안 연구

Study on the protection measures for space assets with the consideration of Chinese ASAT Test

  • 발행 : 2007.05.30


Recently China has carried out a successful anti-satellite missile test at more than 850km altitude January 11 destroying an aging Chinese weather satellite target with a kinetic kill vehicle launched on board a ballistic missile. Korea has developed scientific and commercial satellites and sounding rockets from 1990s. As the fear of the militarisation of space becomes the reality, we need to consider the safety of our space assets from the perspectives of design, operation, and policy. In this paper we study on the general meanings and impacts of Chinese anti-satellite missile test and the measure to protect our space assets from the points of the design, operation and policy.
