3D Laser Scanning을 이용한 댐체의 안정성 검토

A Examination on Stability of Dam using 3D Laser Scanning System

  • 이재원 (동아대학교 토목공학부) ;
  • 손호웅 (배재대학교 공과대학 건설환경.철도공학과) ;
  • 윤부열 (동아대학교 공과대학 토목공학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.19


There is an inseparable relation between human race and engineering work. As world developed into highly industrialized society, a diversity of large structures is being built up correspondently to limited topographical circumstance. Though large structures are national establishments which provide us with convenience of life, there are some disastrous possibilities which were never predicted such as ground subsidence and degradation. It is very difficult to analyze the volume of total metamorphosis with the relative displacement measurement system which is now used and it is impossible to know whether there is structural metamorphosis within a permissible range of design or not. In this research with an object of 13-year-old earthen dam, through generating point-cloud which has 3D spatial coordinates(x, y, z) of this dam by means of 3D Laser Scanning, we can get real configuration data of slanting surface of this dam with this method of getting a number of 3D spatial coordinates(x, y, z). It gives 3D spatial model to us and we can get various information of this dam such as the distance of slanting surface of dam, dimensions and cubic volume. It can be made full use of as important source material of reinforcement and maintenance works to detect previously the bulging of the dam through this research.
