사면붕괴 피해저감을 위한 지질 DB 구축사레

A case study on the DB using geological data for mitigation of slope failure

  • 발행 : 2007.04.19


Quite a while ago, Organizations which have slope DB system was running slope of management in several. Frequently, Slope failure was happened by abnormal weather and limit of valuation system at the managed slope. Analysis of other organization slope DB systems is very important that slope DB system maintains same regions on geology. In Korea, slope DB system was running at KEC(Korea Expressway Corporation), Korail(Korea Railroad), and KIGAM(Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources). We research theirs DB constructing. For reviewed slope DB system of other country, we searched NLIC(Natural Landslide Information Center)'s DB system in U.S.A., GEO's LPM(landslide Prevention Measures) program in Hongkong, DPRI' ILC(International Consortium on Landslides) program in Japan, and AGSO(Australian Geological Survey Organization)'s NGVUC program in Australia.
