초기치를 갖는 비동질무한영역의 해석을 위한 비례경계무한요소법

Infinite element for the scaled boundary analysis of initial valued non-homogeneous elastic half space

  • 이계희 (목포해양대학교 해양시스템공학부) ;
  • Lee, Gye-Hee ;
  • Deeks, Andrew J. (University of Western Australia)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.12


In this paper, to analyze the initial valued non-homogeneous elastic half space by the scaled boundary analysis, the infinite element approach was introduced. The free surface of the initial valued non-homogeneous elastic half space was mode1ed as a circumferential direction of boundary scaled boundary coordinate. The infinite element was used to represent the infinite length of the free surface. The initial value of material property(elastic modulus) was considered by the combination of the position of the sealing center and the power function of the radial direction. By use of the mapping type infinite element, the consistent e1ements formulation could be available. The performance and the feasibility of proposed approach are examined by two numerical examples.
