Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2007.07a
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- Pages.495-496
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- 2007
Implementation of an Over-Current Relaying Algorithm Using 80C196KC
80C196KC를 이용한 과전류 계전 알고리즘 구현
- Kim, Hyung-Kyu (Next-generation Power Technology Center, Myongji University) ;
- Lee, Bong-Hyun (Next-generation Power Technology Center, Myongji University) ;
Kang, Sang-Hee
(Next-generation Power Technology Center, Myongji University)
- Published : 2007.07.18
An Over Current Relayng algorithm using 80c196kc micro processor was realized in this paper. This OCR Algorithm was verified with simulated fault signal. The fault signal was made by EMTP and realized by DOBLE to compare H/W test with S/W test. This simulations showed similar result between H/W and S/W test.