한국항해항만학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference)
- 한국항해항만학회 2006년도 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS Vol.1
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- Pages.371-376
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- 2006
An Intelligent Multi-agent System for Efficient Gate Operation in a Container Terminal
- Yoo, Dong-Ho (Department of Management Information System, Dong-A University) ;
- Choi, Hyung-Rim (Department of Management Information System, Dong-A University) ;
- Park, Byung-Joo (Department of Management Information System, Dong-A University) ;
- Kang, Moo-Hong (Department of Management Information System, Dong-A University)
- 발행 : 2006.10.18
Recently the container volume in the global trade is steadily increasing. In an effort to cope with this trend, major ports of the world are stepping up the introduction of high-tech equipments, trying to establish a highly efficient information system, and improving the internal work processes of their container terminals. For speedy and effective cargo handling, they are making every effort in the diverse fields. The purpose of this study aims at developing an intelligent multi-agent system for the gate work of a container terminal, which is the place of authority transfer in a container terminal. The agent system suggested in this study has made a comparison between COPINO information by TOS (Terminal Operating System) and information on containers and trucks recognized at the gate passage, checking up their efficiency, and performing the function of controlling outside truck's input-output. Also, based on the records of outside truck's gate passage, some gates can be operated flexibly, consequently enhancing the efficiency of the gate function. The results of job performance will immediately be notified to the customers and terminal managers, thus helping them make decisions speedily.