Toward A Totally Solving Interference Problem for Ultrasound Localization System

초음파 위치인지 시스템의 간섭 문제의 해결을 위한 연구

  • Song, Byung-Hun (Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI)) ;
  • Ham, Kyung-Sun (Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI)) ;
  • Lee, Hyung-Su (School of Information and Communications Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Published : 2006.06.21


The real-time tracking system is an essential factor for the development of low cost sensor networks for use in pervasive computing and ubiquitous networking. In this paper, we address the interference problems of the sensor network platform with ultrasonic for location tracking system. Ubiquitous indoor environments often contain substantial amounts of metal and other such reflective materials that affect the propagation of radio frequency signals in non-trivial ways, causing severe multi-path effects, dead-spots, noise, and interference. Especially we present a novel reducing interference location system that is particularly well suited to support context-aware computing. The system called Pharos, aims to combine the advantages of real-time tracking systems that implement distributed environment with regardless of infrastructure or infrastructure-less wireless sensor networks.
