Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference (한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2006.05b
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- Pages.277-280
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- 2006
Deterioration of Cement Matrix with Alkali-free Accelerator Exposed to Sulfate Media
황산염환경에 노출된 알카리프리계 급결제 사용 시멘트경화체의 성능저하
Lee, Seung-Tae
(Department of Civil Engineering, Kunsan National University) ;
- Hooton, R.D. (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto) ;
Kim, Seong-Soo
(Department of Civil Engineering, Daejin University) ;
- Kim, Dong-Gyou (Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
- Published : 2006.05.11
This paper presents the findings on the sulfate resistance of mortar specimens with or without alkali-free accelerator exposed to sodium sulfate solution for 270 days. Test results confirms a negative effect of alkali-free accelerator on the sulfate deterioration. Additionally, the influences of exposure concentration and temperature of sulfate solution on expansion were investigated. Especially, at a high concentration of solution a significant expansion of mortar specimens with alkali-free accelerator was observed. Further, low temperature also promoted the deterioration of the cement system due to sulfate attack.