캐나다 시멘트 및 콘크리트의 내구성 및 제성능에 대한 규준

Durability and Performance Requirements in Canadian Cement and Concrete Standards

  • Hooton, R.D. (Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto)
  • 발행 : 2006.05.11


Traditional standards and specifications for concrete have largely been prescriptive, (or prescription-based), and can sometimes hinder innovation and in particular the use of more environmentally friendly concretes by requiring minimum cement contents and SCM replacement levels. In December 2004, the Canadian CSA A23.1-04 standard was issued which made provisions (a) for high-volume SCM concretes, (b) added new performance requirements for concrete, and (c) clearly outlined the requirements and responsibilities for use in performance-based concrete specifications. Also, in December 2003, the CSA A3000 Hydraulic Cement standard was revised. It (a) reclassified the types of cements based on performance requirements, with both Portland and blended cements meeting the same physical requirements, (b) allows the use of performance testing for assessing sulphate resistance of cementitious materials combinations, (c) includes an Annex D, which allows performance testing of new or non-traditional supplementary cementing materials. From a review of international concrete standards, it was found that one of the main concerns with performance specifications has been the lack of tests, or lack of confidence in existing tests, for judging all relevant performance concerns. Of currently used or available test methods for both fresh, hardened physical, and durability properties, it was found that although there may be no ideal testing solutions, there are a number of practical and useful tests available. Some of these were adopted in CSA A23.1-04, and it is likely that new performance tests will be added in future revisions. Other concerns with performance standards are the different perspectives on the point of testing for performance. Some concrete suppliers may prefer processes for both pre-qualifying the plant, and specific mixtures, followed only with testing only 'end-of-chute' fresh properties on-site. However, owners want to know the in-place performance of the concrete, especially with high-volume SCM concretes where placing and curing are important. Also, the contractor must be aware of, and share the responsibility for handling, constructability, curing, and scheduling issues that influence the in-place concrete properties.
