Simulation for the effect of vertical groundwater flux on the subsurface temperature distribution

  • 발행 : 2006.04.01


Subsurface temperature is affected by heat advection due to groundwater advection. Temperature-depth profile can be perturbed especially when there are significant vertical groundwater flux caused by external force such as injection or extraction. This research is to clarify the change of subsurface temperature distribution when the 40m x l0m sandy aquifer is stimulated by two different vertical flux($case1:\;{\pm}10^{-5}m^3/s,\;case2:\;{\pm}4{\times}10^{-5}m^3/s$) using a program called HydroGeoSphere. The resulting temperature distribution contour map shows pumping causes vertical attraction of water from deeper and warmer place which result in rising up isotherm. Additionally more injection/extraction rate, more vertical groundwater flux leads to faster Increase in temperature near the pumping well.
