Transient Groundwater Flow Modeling in Coastal Aquifer

  • Li Eun-Hee (School of Earth and Environmental Science, Seoul National Univ) ;
  • Hyun Yun-Jung (School of Earth and Environmental Science, Seoul National Univ) ;
  • Lee Kang-Kun (School of Earth and Environmental Science, Seoul National Univ) ;
  • Park Byoung-Won
  • Published : 2006.04.01


Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and the interface between seawater and freshwater in an unconfined coastal aquifer was evaluated by numerical modeling. A two-dimensional vertical cross section of the aquifer was constructed. Coupled flow and salinity transport modeling were peformed by using a numerical code FEFLOW In this study, we investigated the changes in groundwater flow and salinity transport in coastal aquifer with hydraulic condition such as the magnitude of recharge flux, hydraulic conductivity. Especially, transient simulation considering tidal effect and seasonal change of recharge rate was simulated to compare the difference between quasi-steady state and transient state. Results show that SGD flux is in proportion to the recharge rate and hydraulic conductivity, and the interface between the seawater and the freshwater shows somewhat retreat toward the seaside as recharge flux increases. Considered tidal effect, SGD flux and flow directions are affected by continuous change of the sea level and the interface shows more dispersed pattern affected by velocity variation. The cases which represent variable daily recharge rate instead of annual average value also shows remarkably different result from the quasi-steady case, implying the importance of transient state simulation.
