Satellite-detected red tide algal blooms in Korean and neighboring waters during 1999-2004

  • Ahn Yu-Hwan (Ocean Satellite Research Group Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Shanmugam Palanisamy (Ocean Satellite Research Group Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


Measurements of ocean color from space since 1970s provided vital information with reference to physical and biogeochemical properties of the oceanic waters. The utility of these data has been explored in order to map and monitor highly toxic/or harmful algal blooms (HABs) that affected most of coastal waters throughout the world due to accelerated eutrophication from human activities and certain oceanic processes. However, the global atmospheric correction and bio-optical algorithms developed for oceanic waters were found to yield false information about the HABs in coastal waters. The present study aimed to evaluate the potential use of red tide index (RI) method, which has been developed by Ahn and Shanmugam (2005), for mapping of HABs in Korean and neighboring waters. Here we employed the SSMM to remove the atmospheric effect in the SeaWiFS image data and the achieved indices by RI method were found more appropriate in correctly identifying potential areas of the encountered HABs in Korean South Sea (KSS) and Chinese coastal waters during 1999-2004. But the existence of high absorbing and scattering materials greatly interfered with the standard OC4 algorithm which falsely identified red tides in these waters. In comparison with other methods, the RI approach for the early detection of HABs can provide state managers with accurate identification of the extent and location of these blooms as a management tool.
