Engineering Properties of Concrete Using Recycled Aggregate Manufactured by Bar-Crusher

봉파쇄기에 의해 제조된 재생굵은골재를 사용한 콘크리트의 공학적 특성

  • Published : 2006.11.18


This study investigates engineering properties of concrete using recycled coarse aggregated manufactured by bar-crusher. Test showed that Bar-crusher(S) had more effective results at fresh state than cone-crusher(C) and impact-crusher(I). In case of specimens manufactured by S, increase of spindle velocity, incorporating ratio of recycled aggregate and maximum size of aggregate inclined fluidity. As for the hardened concrete, compressive strength of specimens by C or I exhibited lower value than that of S. In addition, specimens using recycled aggregate manufactured by 400rpm and 500rpm of spindle velocity showed less than 10% reduction rate of strength, which is not significant reducing value. It is found that 500rpm of the spindle velocity had the best strength performance, while 600rpm was the worst. Strength value of specimens decreased as incorporating ratio of recycled aggregate inclined, but the strength value of most specimens exhibited less than 10% of reducing rate, assuming favorable result, only at less than 25% incorporating ratio of recycled aggregate.
