과부화 방지를 위한 쐐기형 레일클램프의 지지대 위치 설정

Determining the Position of Supporter to prevent a Overload applied to the Wedge Type Rail Clamp

  • 한동섭 (동아대학교 BK21총괄사업단) ;
  • 한근조 (동아대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 이성욱 (동아대학교 대학원 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.16


The rail clamp is the device to prevent the crane slips along a rail from the wind blast as well as to locate a container crane in the set position during an operating mode. In this study we conduct the research for determining the proper position of supporter to prevent the overload applied to the rail clamp with respect to the wedge angle in the wedge type rail clamp. The friction force between the jaw pad and the rail to prevent that the crane slips along a rail, when the wind blows, is generated fly the rail-directional wind load. Accordingly the proper position of the supporter to prevent the overload is determined fly analyzing the forces applied to the rail clamp in the wedge working stage. In order to analyze the effect of the wedge angle on the position of supporter, 5-kinds of wedge angles, such as 2, 4, 6, 8, $10^{\circ}$, were adapted as the design parameter, and the wind speed of 40m/s was adapted as the design wind speed criteria.
