How Much Power can be Obtained from the Tides?

  • Garrett, Chris (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.16


General formula are presented for the maximum power available from the tidal head in a closed basin and from the tidal currents in a channel connecting two large bodies of water. In the latter case, the available energy cannot be estimated from the kinetic energy flux in the undisturbed state, but can be obtained from knowledge of the tidal head between the ends of the channel and the maximum volume flux in the undisturbed state. The results are supported by detailed calculations for Johnstone Strait, British Columbia, using a two-dimensional finite element model. The model also allows an extension to the case of multiple channels. More work is needed to allow for partial tidal fences which do not occupy the whole cross-section of a channel.
