Study on Water Resources Allocation in the Lancangjiang River Basin of China

  • Ying, Gu (Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute) ;
  • Heng, Liu (Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute) ;
  • Jingnan, Liu (Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute) ;
  • Sihua, Lei (Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2006.05.18


Based on water resources availability and development condition of the Lancang River, as well as considering the international river water resources characters, the paper put forwarded an integrated allocation way of the water resources of Lancang River Basin. According to the basic rules of equitable and suitable utilization of water resources of international rivers, water resources demand for domestic, industrial, irrigation and ecosystem system, and principles of society stabilities and the food safety etc, an index system of Lancang River water resources allocation was set up. Two levels scheme of Lancang River water allocation are proposed. First level is for an international water, which primarily to analysis the water quantity at the national boundary. Second level is for provincial water allocation among Qinghai, Yunnan provinces and Tibetan Autonomous Region. In the allocation schemes, the water resources development of Lancang River Basin at different scenarios and the related water allocation in different years and seasons were analyzed. A discharge to some cross sections of the river and a total amount water quantity for each district has been given as well.
