동읍지역 제4기 미고결 지층의 퇴적이력

Development of Holocene Unconsolidated Stratigraphic Sequence from Lower Reaches of Nagdong River, Dongup Area

  • 발행 : 2006.03.24


This study was carried out to understand depositional environment and genesis of clayey soils that distributed in the Dongup area. On the basis of detailed observation and description on mineralogy, geochemical composition, geophysical properties, paleontological analysis of cored sediments, three sedimentary unit have been distinguished. From bottom to top, they are early Holocene freshwater muddy deposit(Unit I, fluvial swamp), late Holocene silt and muddy deposit(Unit II, alluvial deposit), late Holocene muddy deposit(Unit III, fluvial swamp). Unit II is divided into three part: the lower part-unweathered massive silt and muddy deposit, middle part-weathered layered slit and muddy deposit and upper part-weathered massive muddy deposit.
