Modeling Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching Process to Predict Optical Properties of a Bleached CMP Pulp

  • Hatam Abouzar (Department of wood and paper sciences, college of natural resources, university of Tehran) ;
  • Pourtahmasi Kambiz (Department of wood and paper sciences, college of natural resources, university of Tehran) ;
  • Resalati Hossein (College of wood and paper technology, university of Gorgan) ;
  • Lohrasebi A. Hossein (Department of wood science, faculty of forestry, university of British Columbia)
  • Published : 2006.06.06


In this paper, the possibility of statistical modeling from the pulp and peroxide bleaching condition variables to predict optical properties of a bleached chemimechanical pulp used in a newsprint paper machine at Mazandaran Wood and Paper Industries Company (MWPI) was studied. Due to the variations in the opacity and the brightness of the bleached pulp at MWPI and to tackle this problem, it was decided to study the possibility of modeling the bleaching process. To achieve this purpose, Multi-variate Regression Analysis was used for model building and it was found that there is a relationship between independent variables and pulp brightness as well as pulp opacity, consequently, two models were constructed. Then, model validation was carried out using new data set in the bleaching plant at MWPI to test model predictive ability and its performance.
