굴절 현상을 이용한 건조기에서 건조특성 해석

Analysis of Drying Characteristics in the Dryer Using the Refraction of Radiation

  • 이공훈 (한국기계연구원 환경에너지기계연구본부 에너지기계연구센터) ;
  • 최병일 (한국기계연구원 환경에너지기계연구본부 에너지기계연구센터) ;
  • 홍용주 (한국기계연구원 환경에너지기계연구본부 에너지기계연구센터)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.21


Analysis of drying characteristics has been carried out with one-dimensional model in the dryer using the principle of the refraction of radiation. The dryer is composed of hot water tank, a plastic film conveyer belt, drying material, etc. The model considers the conduction and radiation within the plastic film and drying material. The film is semitransparent to radiation and the drying material is assumed to be semitransparent or opaque to radiation. The results shows that the effect of radiative transfer on the drying rate is relatively large when the thickness of drying material is small and the water temperature is high. When the material is thin, the drying rate by only conduction is also enhanced so that drying time can considerably be reduced.
