마이크로 웨이브를 이용한 탄소나노튜브 성장시 바이어스 전압의 효자

Influence of bias voltage on properties of carbon nanotubes prepared by MPECVD

  • 최성헌 (군산대학교 전자정보공학부) ;
  • 이재형 (군산대학교 전자정보공학부) ;
  • 양종석 (원광대학교 전기전자및정보공학부) ;
  • 박대희 (원광대학교 전기전자및정보공학부)
  • 발행 : 2006.07.12


In this study, we synthesized CNTs(carbon nanotubes) on the glass substrate by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MPECVD), Effect of bias voltage on the grown behavior and morphology of CNTs were investigated. Recently, it has been proposed that aligned CNTs can also be achieved by the application of electric bias to the substrate during growth, the first time reported the bias effect such that the nanotube alignment occurred only when a positive bias was applied to the substrate whereas no aligned growth occurred under a negative bias and no tube growth was observed without bias. On the country, several researchers reported some different observations that aligned nanotubes could also be grown under negative substrate biases. This discrepancy as for the effect of positive and negative bias may indicate that the bias effect is not fully understood yet. The glass and Si wafers were first deposited with TiN buffer layer by r.f sputtering method, and then Ni catalyst same method, The thickness of TiN and Ni layer were 200 nm and 60 nm, respectively. The main process parameters include the substrate bias (0 to - 300 V), and deposition pressure (8 to 20 torr).
