Development of Pre-Validation Program of Clean Development Mechanism for Renewable Energy

신재생에너지 사업의 청정개발체제 사전 타당성 평가 프로그램 개발

  • Published : 2006.07.12


The cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas(GHG) emission to avert the most severe impacts of climate change remains one of the widely accepted priorities for global action. In order to facilitate cost-effective abatement strategies, the Kyoto Protocol introduced three mechanisms, or flexible instruments, the Emissions Trading(ET), the Joint Implementation(JI) and the Clean Development Mechanism(CDM). The CDM enables Annex I countries to the Kyoto Protocol to partially meet cost-effectively their emission reduction commitments by undertaking GHG mitigation Projects in developing countries, which do not have any GHG abatement obligations and where the emission reductions are cheaper. One of the major barriers hampering the wide spread implementation of CDM is the high transaction costs associated with the initial identification of promising CDM projects. This paper presents development of a pre-validation program of CDM. The developed program may provide a useful aid to potential investors and project developers as a supportive pre-evaluation tool, and may become an effective tool for the promotion of renewable energy and fuel switching projects.
