Concept Design of Superconductivity Power System

대용량 초전도 신전력계통 개념설계

  • Lee, S. (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, J. (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute) ;
  • Yoon, J. (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, B. (Korea University)
  • Published : 2006.07.12


Korean power system has some problems like as curtailing investment and the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) phenomena, because of power demand concentration in downtown area. In this time, superconducting power devices rise as a very attractive solution. This study proposes a basic concept of superconductivity power system with bulk capacity, and identifies the items for technical and economic analysis. The proposed system consists of superconducting cables/transformers/FCLs(fault current limiter). The basic concept is to replace 154kV conventional cables with 22.9kV superconducting cables and to convert a 154kV substation into a 22.9kV switching station in downtown area.
