A Study on the amount of compensators at the KEPCO system in a middle-long term point of view

한전계통에서 중장기 조상설비 소요량 산정에 관한 연구

  • Kim, H.P. (Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Hur, Y. (Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Choi, J.M. (Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Kim, S.G. (Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Lee, H.Y. (Korea Electric Power Corporation)
  • Published : 2006.07.12


Compensators need to keep the voltage properly at the KEPCO system in a ruddle-long term point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to forecast the amount of compensators. In this paper, we analyze how much compensators are needed and what kind of effects is given on the KEPCO system in a middle-long term point of view. In addition, this analysis is based on the books named "The plan of Transmission and Substation at the KEPCO in 2005" and we used PSS/E program when we analyze the KEPCO system.
